Training Update: 8/4/17

My wife and I spent last weekend in the Berkshires where we found the bumper sticker pictured above. The store sold an eclectic mix of used albums, vintage clothes, old board games and other random items. The bumper sticker caught my eye because it captured how my body feels 6 weeks into my training program. While I feel better than expected, I am definitely spending far too much time wrestling with my physical demons. There has been no snuggling.

This weekend will be a real test as my mileage increases significantly. I’m supposed to do a 7-mile “fast” run on Saturday and 14 miles on Sunday. That 14-miler scares me. That's a lot of miles at any pace.


Total Miles since the start of training: 145
Chiropractic: 3 adjustments
Physical Therapy: 2 sessions for a hip alignment issue

It seems like I'm spending as much time getting adjusted, realigned and massaged by my medical team as I am training. That’s probably not a good sign.


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