Running Update 8/8/17: The Wooly Mammoth

The primary focus of this blog is to chronicle my training for the Marine Corps Marathon, but I'd like to briefly discuss the Wooly Mammoth. I recently learned that scientists want to bring back this creature from the ice age . Whenever I read a story about scientific breakthroughs like this, I'm amazed and inspired. But I also wonder if scientists could be doing something more productive with their time. Before I hear from Mammoth fans, I want you to know that I am pro-Mammoth--always have been. But selfishly, I wonder if science could focus on more meaningful research like finding a cure for male-pattern baldness or maybe blindness or even the tiny but pernicious plantar wart. I currently have one on the ball of my foot that is so painful it might force me to drop out of the marathon unless I can find a way to mitigate the pain enough so that I can train. As it turns out, scientists want to bring back Mammoths because they're, " t rying to rebuild an an...